The Power of Neutrals | AlysEdwards

The Power of Neutrals

By AlysEdwards | 5/17/2023

Which do you prefer? A taupe bathroom escape or a sleek spa-like shower? Everyone has their preferred taste and neutral tones can offer a blank canvas to leave your mark. Don’t shy away from taupe shades like Whisk Me Away or Pebble Without a Cause because taupe is the new neutral. Go big with our 2”x 16” or 8”x32” porcelain in Bianco or keep things slim and trim with our 2”x11” plank in Bailey is Soy Vanilla. If you’re looking to keep things classic then our Calacatta Oro is the perfect fit. Looking to add personality? The Adventurist Pattern will add a fun and fresh twist to your space.  Inspire, create, and design something fabulous with these soft, neutral building blocks.Which do you prefer? A taupe bathroom escape or a sleek spa-like shower? Everyone has their preferred taste and neutral tones can offer a blank canvas to leave your mark. Don’t shy away from taupe shades like Whisk Me Away or Pebble Without a Cause because taupe is the new neutral. Go big with our 2”x 16” or 8”x32” porcelain in Bianco or keep things slim and trim with our 2”x11” plank in Bailey is Soy Vanilla. If you’re looking to keep things classic then our Calacatta Oro is the perfect fit. Looking to add personality? The Adventurist Pattern will add a fun and fresh twist to your space.  Inspire, create, and design something fabulous with these soft, neutral building blocks.